Thursday, October 22, 2009


James Hetfield from Metallica sings Holier Than Thou in the Black Album and I personally love that song. Well actually, all the songs in the Black Album are my favourites! I first listened to this song when I was 18. Hetfield was singing at the top of his lungs; screaming the ideas of this human being who is so caught up with his/her own ideals and beliefs, and this person refuses to see or hear anything except what he/she believes in. This person is so convinced that he/she is the best in any possible way blinding him/her of truth sometimes. Confidence is good as one knows, but arrogance is another. We are merely human beings and if we are perfect, we are NOT humans and we are basically too proud or too conceited to see our own weaknesses and flaws. The only perfect thing that we know is GOD and, we as mere mortals ought to learn from Metallica.

"Before you judge me take a look at you
Can't you find something better to do

Point the finger, slow to understand

Arrogance and ignorance go hand in hand

It's not you are it's who you know
Others lives are the basis of your own

Burn your bridges and build them back with wealth

Judge not l'est ye be judged yourself

Holier Than Thou by Metallica

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