Thursday, October 22, 2009



Yes, that is true. But some may find that someone in their lives sometimes can be overbearing, stuck up, snobbish, racist, power crazy lunatic, conceited, arrogant, narcissistic, uneducated, immature and freakishly 'poisonous' human being in their surrounding. I am not saying that THAT person is YOU, but it could! Once in our lives we might have the privilege to meet this
pathetically POISONOUS pompous phony pernicious pretentious person. It could be YOU or it could be ME! Why do I say that it is a privilege to meet this kind of person? It is because we too can learn to be better people!

Let us look into ourselves. We always look at the people around us, we JUDGE and we PROSECUTE. Let us close our eyes and look at our own lives, our family, our friends, our colleagues, our bosses, our subordinates or frankly, anyone we know. What have we done for them today? What have we done to them today? What have we done to those around us today? Do our friends smile and laugh with us? Do our bosses praise and compliment us? Do your children hug you and thank you? Do your students greet you as they see you? Do your seniors wave at you and smile? Do your juniors run to you and ask for advice? Do your subordinates feel comfortable with you?

Sometimes we accuse others of THIS and THAT because we FAIL to see our own mistakes and our own selfish ways. Friends might leave you. Children might hate you. Your bosses might dislike you. Your teachers might lose hope on you. Your subordinates might no longer be motivated. YOU might forever feel that you are right and on the 'correct' path and finally you are too blinded with what you are.

Let us learn to look into ourselves and learn to appreciate the people around us. Learn to CHANGE or maybe change is hard, so let us learn to ADAPT for others; to be better friends, better bosses, better students, better parents or better colleagues. Thus, I want to share with you an article that I read a long time ago. It is about EIGHT PERSONALITIES YOU WISH YOU DON'T HAVE!

You may have one or two of those HORRIDLY HORRIBLE HORRIFYINGLY HARMFUL HEINOUS personalities. Nonetheless, maybe now you can be a better person. BUT, if you suddenly realized that you have ALL the personalities... I can say... MAY GOD HELP YOU! :)

CLICK on the website below to know more.


  1. Once in our lives we might have the privilege to meet this pathetically POISONOUS pompous phony pernicious pretentious person.

    If the above is a PRIVILEGE, God help us....:P

  2. i love this post. thanx for the advice miss ayu! <3
